A solar panel

Solar Charging Station - $5,496

Provide a stationary, outdoor table with solar panels attached overhead. The table will increase the campus' use of renewable energy, lower greenhouse gasses, and educate students about sustainability through hands-on projects and community outreach. This project is pending Council for the Built Environment approval.

Eppright Hall

Eppright Hall Window Film Pilot - $55,682

Install V-Kool film on the windows of Eppright Hall. The film will reduce overall heat within the building resulting in lower cooling costs. It encourages positive emotional health among residents by giving them access to natural light without altering their room temperature. This pilot project anticipates being able to apply film in additional residence halls. The project is pending Council for the Built Environment approval.

Water Bottle Filling Station

Water Bottle Filling Stations - $13,105

Provide students, staff, and faculty in the Department of Health and Kinesiology water bottle filling stations that will promote sustainable practices, reduce plastic bottles in landfills, save money from the purchase of bottled water, and make it convenient to consume the recommended amount of water every day.

Kyle Field

Texas A&M Athletics Baselining - $49,299

Fund a Graduate Assistant to aid the Athletics Department in finalizing sustainability goals, collecting baseline data, and developing an Athletics Sustainability Plan. It is anticipated that this initial project will result in future funding commitments for a reoccurring position by collaborating departments.

O&M Building

Eller O&M Stairwell Lighting - $15,518

Install new, more efficient LED lighting in the Eller O&M Building's stairwells. This will improve appearance, increase energy efficiency, decrease greenhouse gas emissions, and improve the safety of building occupants.  


Plant towers at TUFU

TAMU Urban Farm United (TUFU) - $3,345

Provides four additional vertical tower gardens, four support cages, and one compost bin at the TUFU greenhouse. This will allow the organization to meet further demand by increasing production ability.

The Howdy Farm store.

All-In-One Soil Sensor - $410

Create a sensor capable of measuring important environmental parameters such as moisture, light, and temperature in order to monitor and aid in sustainable farming practices at Howdy Farm.

Water Bottle Filling Station

Transit Water Bottle Filling Station - $2,842

Install a water bottle filling station in the Transit Services building. This will provide faculty, staff, and the 250-300 student Aggie Spirit bus drivers access to convenient and fresh water as well as limit the use of plastic water bottles.

A smart strip for plugging in electronics.

Smart Strips for Scholarships and Financial Aid - $1,025

Provide smart strips to the Scholarships and Financial Aid office. These strips will reduce power usage in individual offices by keeping primary outlets on and turning off secondary outlets when not needed.